Support to Dan Church Aid’s work in Malawi
The first week of November 2008, the Chairman of the Foundation, Erik Winther, and administrator, Lene Holm Nielsen, visited Folkekirkens Nødhjælp's (Danish Church Aid) department in Malawi.
The purpose of the visit was to inspect some of the projects which the Foundation has decided to support.
Local women welcome the guests to the village |
Here is a goat stable where goats in the project ”Give a goat”, which is known in Denmark, are kept, e.g., in the corn season. |
The project is named ”Fishing girls at Lake Malawi” and the background is, in short, that many families on the brinks of Lake Malawi make themselves a living by allowing the young girls of the family to go to the lake by evening time to sell themselves to the local fishermen against fish as payment. The fish can be eaten by the family or sold at the market the following day.
Obviously, this ”tradition” not only has huge human costs, but also helps spreading HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that approx. 250 people die of AIDS each day in Malawi or 100,000 yearly!
In cooperation with local organisations, Danish Church Aid is carrying out valuable ”help for self-help”, and the support of the Foundation contributes to helping many people with education, goat-keeping, cultivation of mushrooms, sewing and knitting courses, etc.
Young people - filled with hope - who have been given the possibility to return to school |